Monday, October 17, 2011

Prevention of Malignant Melanoma and the differences between the suns rays and Tanning beds:

From research, I learned that there are many ways to prevent Malignant Melanoma. It has been proven that the patient, not the doctor is most likely to spot Melanoma. The “Ugly Duckling” theory is the most common way Melanoma has been spotted (Looking for spots that stand out or are different from other body parts). If you notice a mole or unusual spot on your body, you should bring attention to your doctor immediately. About 65 percent of Melanoma patients are caused from Ultraviolet exposure from sunlight or tanning beds. Here are a few ways to lower your chances of developing Melanoma: First, You should always generously apply sunscreen to any exposed skin, Wear protective clothing, seek shade, use extra caution near water, snow, and sand, DO NOT BURN, Avoid Tanning beds, get Vitamin D safely through healthy diet, and lastly, Beware of medications that can increase your sensitivity. The only difference between the sun and tanning beds is that tanning beds only use one type of UV ray, where the Sun exposes us to 2 UV rays. Tanning beds work by using UVA rays, the aging ray. Although some say you can practice “safe tanning” at their tanning beds, the fact is that they both increase your chances of developing some form of skin cancer.

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